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Connor's Guide to Concrete Welcome to my new blog! My name is Connor and this my concrete blog. Concrete may seem like a pretty boring subject. But it is only boring if you do not understand the incredible possibilities. When the interior designer I was working with suggested that I install some concrete inside my home I thought he was crazy. I thought concrete was only used for the floor of your garage, your carport or for a patio area. However, when I saw the possibilities that polished concrete offered me in terms of looks and functionality, I was sold! I hope you like my blog.



What Benefits Come with Recycled Asphalt Driveways?

Maybe you haven't heard of recycled asphalt, but it's high time you did, especially if you need to have your driveway done in the future. Recycled asphalt is made from asphalt material that has been removed from damaged or worn surfaces. That material can then be reprocessed to ensure that up to 100% of the original asphalt can be used for a new driveway.

So, why should you opt for recycled asphalt?


Probably the most attractive benefit that comes with using recycled asphalt is a reduction of your overall costs. It's almost always more economically advantageous to use a recycled product instead of a new one, and that tends to go double when you're talking about asphalt. You see, recycled asphalt requires fewer resources, especially oil. Asphalt contains a huge volume of oil, and, as you might already know, oil prices have been climbing recently. As such, making new asphalt costs more than ever.


You're probably have already guessed that using recycled asphalt is more eco-friendly than using new asphalt, but you might be surprised by just how much better for the planet it is. Firstly, keep in mind that asphalt is not biodegradable, so any waste that is sent to landfill is going to stay there forever. Additionally, fewer non-renewable resources will be consumed to create a new product. Finally, recycled materials from other industries can be used to create recycled asphalt.

Handles Extreme Weather

In many cases, a recycled product isn't quite as reliable as a new one. With recycled asphalt, that isn't the case. Unlike new asphalt, it will already have been compacted, making it more resistant to damage. If your driveway is going to meet extreme heat, long periods of rainfall, or heavy snow, recycled asphalt might be preferable because it won't segregate, wash out, or encourage pooling and flooding.

Year-Round Installation

If you know anything about regular asphalt driveways, you'll know that they cannot be installed during periods of poor weather, which is why most contractors find themselves performing this job almost solely during spring and summer. In contrast, recycled asphalt can be laid down in almost any kind of weather – the only thing that's going to be a problem is snow. This means you'll be able to have your driveway completed regardless of the time of year. You should also find it easier to find a contractor since they won't be forced to fit you in among all the other homeowners who need their driveways done.
